Accessibility Statement
"MiKa Foodart" aims to provide maximum user experience on the website for the general public, including individuals with disabilities. We have invested significant efforts to enable and facilitate the use of the website for the needs of this audience.
The site's accessibility has been carried out to level A according to Israeli Standard 5568 (based on the global standard WCAG 2.0).
Accessibility is expressed in:
Site content
Hierarchical structure
Clear links
Maintaining a minimum font size
Links on each page in a simple, clear, and easy-to-find and use format.
Accessibility Statement
Methods of contact for accessibility requests and improvement suggestions
Browser compatibility
The site has been tested on browsers: Chrome and Safari in their latest versions.
If, however, you encounter an accessibility gap that hinders easy and proper navigation on the site, we would be happy to receive your feedback on the matter.
Date of writing the accessibility statement: November 1, 2023.